GCW Members


National Garden Clubs, Inc. is an organization that aims to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility and help coordinate the interests and activities of state and local garden clubs in the U.S. and abroad. NGC member clubs have the chance to garden for a purpose through community service and beautification projects. Membership also provides greater opportunity to learn from others with gardening experience, and pass along your own passion and know- how to new generations of gardeners. As a member of NGC, you have access to The National Gardener to keep up with NGC news and events, featured club projects from across the nation, and other member driven content. The redesigned GardenClub.org website does not have a member only section, so no password is necessary.

The Garden Club of Wilmington is a NCG club, through the Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs. The member password is DFGC-3210. Members of Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs demonstrate commitment to the objectives of National Garden Clubs, Inc. through programs, projects and activities throughout Delaware that promote in our clubs and communities the love of gardening, floral design, horticulture and environmental responsibility. President: Ginny Cardona. Contact: DFGC

NCG Garden clubs are also affiliated regionally with other clubs in Delaware, Maryland, National Capital Area, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania for opportunities to plant, protect, create, learn, and network with others who share our interests. We do this through membership in National Garden Clubs, Inc. and Central Atlantic Region of State Garden Clubs. Inc (CAR-SCG). The member password is 2123@CARegion
