GCW Members


This committee promotes and organizes all club flower and photography shows and serve as a resource on the subject. This committee works closely with the Horticulture Committee, Flower Design Committee,  and Photography Committee.  The Chair and Vice Chair of each of those committees serves on this committee.  The committee identifies and fosters the talents of Members, encouraging them to participate in flower shows, serve as clerks and passers and participate in workshops. They keep the club abreast of flower show updates and upcoming flower shows and workshops in their zone or nearby zones. The committee orients and provides support to the passers and clerks at all club shows.

The purpose of a flower show is threefold: to promote standards of artistic and horticultural excellence; to broaden knowledge of horticulture, floral design, conservation, photography and related disciplines; and to share the beauty of a show with fellow members, members and with the public.

A subcommittee, made up of those Members in the GCA Judging Program, manages the passing and clerking responsibilities for all club flower shows and those members marked with an asterisk below serve on this subcommittee.


MAY 15-16, GCA SHOW PRESENTED BY GARDEN CLUB OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY: “IN FINE FEATHER” Will take place at the Pittsburgh Field Club. CLICK HERE for the Flower Show schedule. There are openings in 4 of 5 classes, including a novice class. Questions: contact Jennifer Muse, Flower Show Chair, GCAC   jjmuse5437@gmail.com   cell:  412-897-6079.


With over 95 million photos and 500 million stories uploaded to Instagram every day, the platform has quickly become one of the best places to find inspiring ideas and free information on just about any subject. And for flower show fans, social media presents the unique opportunity to draw inspiration from others by getting to peek inside shows from around the country.

If you’re looking for a few new favorites to add to your feed, we’ve rounded up a list of some of the best Instagram accounts to follow for motivation, advice and creative ideas.


Hosted by Liz Wozencraft: Garden Club of America approved floral design judge, lecturer and floral design presenter highlights entries in GCA Flower Shows from around the country


Hosted by the Greenwich Garden Club GCA Flower Show, ‘Unexpected Beauty” June 14-15, 2024

ZONE V CLUBS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS Some of the Zone V Clubs have active Instagram accounts where they post the results from their club flower shows. Follow them for inspiration!





Are your exhibiting horticulture or passing for our club show? CLICK HERE for helpful tips on how to get through the passing process effortlessly.

HAVE YOU EVERY CONSIDERED BECOMING A JUDGE? To find out more about the process of becoming a judge CLICK HERE

The GCA Judging Program consists of candidates, prospective judges, approved judges and emeritus judges in three disciplines – floral design, horticulture and photography. Being a GCA Judge is the only lifetime appointment in the GCA. If you are interested learning more about what is entailed in becoming a judge, please talk with the judges in the club or the Zone V Judging Representative. NGC also offers courses to train those wishing to become accredited judges.


Tips for Exhibiting in Flower Shows was first published in 1970 and has been updated several times over the years.  The new edition was initiated and completed to coincide with the GCA's Centennial at the 2013 Annual Meeting.  An invaluable resource, it was expanded to 120 pages and includes sections on Botanical Arts and Photography.  It also includes the GCA point scales for horticulture and floral design and descriptions of more specific plant types. 

Tips for Exhibiting in Flower Shows is a publication of The Philadelphia Committee of the GCA.  Proceeds from the book benefit projects for not-for-profit organizations throughout Philadelphia that seek funding from PCGCA. 

To order, email: tipsforexhibiting2013@gmail.com  | Cost: $10.00, free shipping

Flower Show Committee    

Lynn Carbonell, Chair

Barbara Cairns, Chair, Floral Design

Peggy Barton

Joanne Cushman

Kathy Kristol

Lucinda Laird, Chair, Photography

Cynthia Rice, Chair, Horticulture

Pinkie Roe

Wendy Russell

Connie Wissing

Francie Pyle


For detailed information about how to complete your entry card electronically CLICK HERE.

For more information about how to write botanical names and understanding nomenclature, the formal, scientific naming of plants, GO TO THE HORTICULTURE COMMITTEE PAGE.