GCW Members


Achievement Medal Awarded for creative vision and furtherance of the aims of GCA

1945 Mrs. William K. du Pont

1987 Mrs. Lammot du Pont Copeland

Distinguished Service Medal Awarded for service to horticulture

1967 Mrs. Julian W. Hill 

Medal of Honor Awarded for service to horticulture

1956 Mr. Henry Francis du Pont

1997 Mrs. Julian W. Hill

Francis K. Hutchinson Medal  Awarded for service in conservation 

1947 Miss Violet L. Findley

GCA Special Citation for Non-member

2000 Mr. George Alexis Weymouth

Eloise Payne Lequer Award Awarded for achievement related to botany, research, and art.

2016 Longwood Gardens, Nominated by Mrs. David P. Roselle

Margaret Douglas Medal  Awarded for notable service to the cause of conservation education.

2013 Douglas Tallamy, Nominated by Mrs. Walter S. Rowland

Founder’s Fund Award Provides monetary awards to projects in local communities proposed by member clubs.

1938 Planting Bartram Gardens - Runner Up

2010 The Urban Farm and Produce Stand, The Delaware Center for Horticulture 

Montine McDaniel Freeman Medal, Plant of the Year The medal is awarded to a North American native plant worthy of special recognition  

2003 Aster laevis ‘Bluebird’, Honorable Mention    Nominated by Mrs. Daniel M. Kristol            

2016 Amsonia hubrichtii, Special Recognition         Nominated by Mrs. J. Eric Russell            

GCA Zone Awards

Zone Creative Leadership Award  Awarded for executive ability, judgment, initiative in and beyond the zone

1981 Mrs. Henry B du Pont

1999 Mrs. Calhoun W. Wick 

Zone Conservation Award Service to conservation

1973 Mrs. William H. Frederick, Jr.

1977 Mrs. Lammot du Pont Copeland

1978 Mrs. Anthony G. Scott

Zone Floral Design Achievement Award Outstanding achievement in floral design

2018 Mrs J. Eric Russell

Zone Horticulture Award Outstanding achievement in horticulture

1975 Mrs. Donald P. Ross

1978 Mrs. Julian W. Hill

1984 Mrs. William M.W. Sharp

1988 Mrs. William M. Flook, Jr. 

2000 Mrs. Daniel M. Kristol

Zone Judging Award Outstanding achievement in judging

2010 Mrs. Alexander M. Roe 

Zone Photography Award Outstanding achievement in photography

2008 Mrs. Alexander M. Roe 

Barbara Spaulding Cramer Zone Floral Design Education Award Achievement in floral design and floral design education within and beyond the zone

1996 Mrs. Alexander M. Roe

2006 Mrs. Joseph Melloy

Zone Historic Preservation Certificate of Acknowledgement for Non Member  Awarded to one or more individuals, or an organization, not members of a GCA club, which have made a significant contribution to historic preservation within the environs of the zone.

2006 Marion Cruger Coffin Gardens at Gibraltar, Sharp Family and Walter S. Rowland

Conservation Commendation for Non Member Awarded to one or more individuals, or an organization, not members of a GCA club, which have made a significant contribution to conservation within the zone.

2011 Douglas Tallamy, Nominated by Mrs. Walter S. Rowland